Sunday, June 19, 2011

Super Healthy

We went blueberry picking for our final weekend of "A Healthier You!" Blueberries are of course healthy, but they're actually labeled as a "super food" so they're really really good for you! We headed to The Berry Patch in Missouri ( with some friends and the kids had a fun time picking their own berries. We actually got there a little late in the day so the bushes were getting sparse, but we got just enough and they were delicious!

On Sunday we had some nice quiet time together and learned about healthy meals. The government has come out with a new nutrition chart to replace the old "food pyramid" that makes so much more sense! It's the "My Plate" and you can learn about it here:

To teach Molly (4) about healthy portions and well-balanced meals, I made a "My Plate" out of paper plates and just stapled on the dairy portion. We used play food to put together several healthy meal options. I had her guess which food group each item went in and of course for fun she pretended to cook it in her play kitchen. We made all three meals, including a breakfast and she really got into this fun lesson! (Don't know why my picture uploaded sideways!)

Lastly, here is one final book I'd like to share. ABC Dentist by Harriet Ziefert. The artwork is amazing and it tells so much. Loved this book!

This concludes my MOMS Camp week all about getting healthy. Tomorrow begins a new theme!

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