Friday, June 17, 2011

Smoothie Moves

We've been staying healthy all week with our "A Healthier You!" theme for MOMS Camp. Today we got some exercise at a local gymnastics center called Emerald City Gym. They have an open play time for kids up to kindergarten age every Tuesday and Friday this summer from 11-12pm. This was our first time there and I was very pleased with our experience. They have such a fun setup for young kids, even my 1 year old could participate. Here's their website for more information:

Also today we focused on some healthy food choices and made a smoothie for our afternoon snack. Basically I let my daughter (age 4) dump ingredients into the blender until I said "Okay, that's enough." They turned out great and it was a super way to get my picky 1 year old to eat some fresh fruits! After we poured our glasses, we put the rest in a Popsicle mold so we can have a special frozen treat tomorrow.

Here's the estimated recipe we used:

8 oz apple juice
4 oz milk
1 C strawberry yogurt
1 C fresh grapes (because that's what we had in the fridge...)
1 1/2 C frozen strawberries
1 1/2 C ice cubes

A couple books we read that were pretty good, but kind of out-dated were: Eating Right by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann and Healthy Snacks by Mari C. Schuh. Molly was pretty excited when the latter one actually suggested smoothies as a healthy snack since we just made them!

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