Monday, May 20, 2013

End of the Year Teacher Poems

The end of the school year is upon us!! It is a great idea to give a little gift or card to your child's teacher as a thank you for all the hard work they've put in to your child's education. Teachers probably don't want to be bombarded with silly nic-nacs that take up space in their classroom, though, so here is a simpler idea they might like instead.

Number one: a gift card! Give them the gift of lunch out at a restaurant they like, or maybe a gift card to a store where they can buy classroom supplies.

Number two: stuff they can use in their classroom. My daughter picked out a book of small stickers for her teacher to use next year on the class's reading charts. I've also given her pens to grade with.

Number three: this is most special of all - a handmade card from your child. I had my daughter (6) draw a picture on folded construction paper to make the outside of the card. Then on the inside, I had her write out a poem I put together for her. Since my daughter is finishing kindergarten, she wrote the poem on separate lined paper first. I used a glue stick to attach the finished poem into the inside of her card.

If your child isn't old enough to write their own poem, here are a few poems I wrote myself for you to choose from!

"Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
You're a wonderful teacher,
And I'll miss you!"

"A, B, C, D, E, F, G.
Thank you Mr(s.) [teacher's name]
For teaching me!"

"The school year is finished,
But this isn't the end.
You're no longer my teacher,
But forever my friend."

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