Sunday, August 26, 2012

True Blood drink bottles - For Watch Party OR Halloween!

Tonight is the season finale of True Blood! My husband and I love watching this show after the kiddos are in bed and we treat all our favorite HBO shows as our "Date Nights". For tonight's show, I thought I'd come up with a special drink for us to celebrate. I ended up making authentic looking bottles of Tru Blood!

First, I found what the label looks like by searching for images on Google and found a good one here. Then I drew it out with a pencil on some white paper and outlined it with a black ball point pen. Of course, if you're short on time and actually have ink in your printer, you can simply print it out!! Meanwhile, I colored mine in with markers and cut it out.

Cut out rectangles of red construction paper to fit over the main label as well as the top label of the bottle you've chosen. Be sure to round the corners of your top label to help it wrap around. Use a glue stick to attach your label to the large rectangle, and add a Tru Blood symbol on the smaller rectangle with a black marker.

 The bottle I used for this project was some Mike's Hard Pink Lemonade because A) it's what I already had in the fridge, and B) pink will be easy to turn red! Because the Pink Lemonade was seasonal and might not be available after the summer, you can always use a pink-colored wine cooler. I used Mod Podge brand decoupage to affix my labels to the bottle. Start by covering the original label with a layer of Mod Podge and sticking on your homemade label. Then cover the whole thing with more Mod Podge using a sponge or paint brush.

While my labels were drying, I carefully unscrewed the cap and added about 7 drops of red food coloring. Screw the cap back on and gently shake the bottle to mix it up. Let your labels dry completely and voila! TRU BLOOD! I can't wait to toast our date night with this special drink tonight! I also plan to make more to serve around Halloween this year! Cheers!

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