We have learned all about different caterpillars during our butterfly week of MOMS Camp. Here is a fun project to make with your kids using - what else? - paper plates!
To make a paper plate caterpillar, have your kids decorate four paper plates. My kids used "Do A Dot Art" markers, which you can buy on Amazon.com. These are so fun and CLEAN and EASY to use! They even make special coloring books to use them with and everything. I like them because they are clean (did I mention that??) and easy for my 2-year old to handle. Of course he lost interest after the first plate so I finished the rest of his.
After all the paper plates are decorated, cut out two eye holes from one to be the mask. Help your child glue or staple legs to the other plates. I cut 1.5" strips of colored card stock for our legs using my paper cutter to make it a quick job. You can always have your child cut the strips themselves for extra practice with scissors, though! Just like a real caterpillar, we attached six legs to the first section, then four more on the remaining two bottom sections.
Attach all of your paper plates together to create a long caterpillar! We simply overlapped the edges and taped them together. We had a blast using these caterpillars as masks and playing outside with them, being caterpillars. We found leaves to eat and trees to climb on. Then we changed into a butterfly!
Those dot things remind me of my mom's bingo bonkers that Jared and I used to play with! Splatting dots is super fun!