Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jungle Theme Outings around KC

Our second week of MOMS Camp was all about the Jungle! Truthfully, we didn't do very many crafts for that week but mainly because Molly (5) wasn't up for it. Believe me, though, I had plenty planned for us! I guess I'll save them for another day! Instead we did do several activities around town so I'll mention those just in case anyone around the Kansas City Area needs some ideas for outings with the kids!

On the first day, we visited the Matt Ross Community Center and headed to their Explorer Room.  This is an awesome 3-story jungle-themed playground with slides and tunnels... and it's FREE! For anybody. Just walk in. You don't have to be a member and you don't have to be a resident. Go in the doors and turn right. Now play. ;O)

We also spent a morning at the  Lenexa Community Center watching a puppet show called "Jungle Story!" There's another puppet show later in the summer so you haven't missed your only chance to catch one.

Finally, you can obviously you can head to the Kansas City Zoo, though we actually didn't go there this week! We went somewhere totally new (to us) called the Cedar Cove Feline Conservatory & Education Center in Louisburg, KS! This place was so neat! They have several large cats that have been rescued from unfit owners and smaller zoos that have gone out of business. The animals are well-cared for and close enough to really see them! The workers give personalized tours to each group that comes in; and though we discovered it isn't exactly stroller-friendly, there isn't too much walking for the little ones. My favorite cat there: a white tiger!! Molly's favorite? "The one with pointy hair on his ears!"

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