Friday, April 6, 2012

Hand Print Easter Bunny and Spring Flowers

We have been so busy with our Countdown To Easter! We have done so many crafts and activities and made some fun snacks so I really need to catch up with myself!

A while ago we made some Handprint Birthday Cakes and I came up with the idea to make Handprint Easter Bunnies! We used washable finger paints and I helped my kids cover  their palm, middle finger, and ring finger of one hand. For Molly (5) we  used red but added some purple on the ears.  Ben (2) got blue.  After the paint was dry, we stuck on googly eyes and a foam sticker heart for the nose.  Then we glued on craft pom poms to be the bunnies' tails! Finally, I drew on the other details with a permanent marker. I can't wait to make one of these with my kids each year to see how much their hand print has grown!

A second project we did with hand prints was to make Spring flowers! This was actually something I did with the five month old twins I babysit during the day as a surprise for their mom.  Make a print of each hand to be your two flowers, and a print of each foot to be the leaves! I used Crayola washable markers on the babies because it can be controlled (unlike finger paints) and it can be cleaned easily with a wet washcloth. Naturally, the foot prints were easier to do with the babies since they kept wanting to ball up their fists! I added on the details with markers and labeled each print with their name and the year. 

I came across the hand print and foot print flower on Pinterest! Here is a link to the original blog that posted it as a great Mother's Day gift idea!

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