Friday, March 23, 2012

Travel Tic Tac Toe Board

My daughter, Molly (5), has recently learned to play Tic Tac Toe! Of course she only wants to follow the rules part of the time, but for a girl who normally makes her own rules and creates her own games, she does really well! We made a Travel Tic Tac Toe Board together, that I kind of came up with as we went along. The final product turned out really fun and I can't wait to make some really neat themed ones in the future!

Here's what you'll need:
Foam sheets, or colored poster board
Square of cardboard
Hot Glue
Stick-on Velcro circles

First I drew circles for Molly to cut out from some foam sheets. You'll need two opposing colors and five circles each.

While she was busy cutting the circles, I prepared the board by cutting out a square from a cardboard box. Tape the edges to be sure they're smooth.

Let your child personalize the board with paint! We used acrylic paints. Your child can further personalize their game set by putting stickers on the circles they cut out.  Molly chose butterflies and reptiles, but you can also use seasonal images or characters. I was kind of hoping she would choose flower stickers since it's finally Spring!

When the paint is dry, hot glue ribbon to your square to make the Tic Tac Toe board.  Apply stick-on Velcro fasteners to the middle of each square. I put the soft side on the board and the rough side on the back of each circle. Don't forget to include an extra soft side of Velcro on the back of the board so you can store your 10th circle when you're not playing!

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