Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkey Cookies!!

Here is a fun Thanksgiving dessert for kids to make AND eat! This is the second year I made these and they are fun and cute and delicious and EASY! Turkey Cookies!!
This year I made two dozen refrigerator sugar cookies just bought from the store. Feel free to make your own... or see my picture below from last year for a slightly different variation. Bake the cookies as directed and let them cool. Spread some frosting onto one cookie and add another cookie on top to make a sandwich. We made some of ours with vanilla frosting and some with chocolate frosting!

Next, use some fresh candy corn and poke four in a row to make the tail feathers. The frosting will hold them in as they dry! Then I added a smudge of vanilla frosting for the face. Molly (4) had her special job of sticking on two chocolate chips for the eyes, a candy corn for the beak, and a red hot candy for the waddle. You can also use colored M&Ms for the face, like I did last year - it just depends on what you have on hand! For the beaks, I like to dig through and find candy corn pieces without any white on them. Another option is to just dip each piece into frosting so you don’t have extra frosting showing; I just thought it would be easier for Molly if I spread it first.
Last year I made these turkey cookies for Molly’s preschool Thanksgiving party. Instead of making my own cookies and frosting, I just used vanilla Oreo Cakesters. It was the easiest thing in the world to stick on a few candy corns and bam! Cutie Turkey Treat!
(Here's a picture of last year's. They looked a little cleaner because I didn't spread frosting for the face; used Oreo Cakesters; and made them myself instead of having my little helper!)
P.S. This year I am thankful for my schedule allowing me to be with my kids almost all day everyday. I am thankful for this blog for keeping me busy with my kids most of those days and most of all, I am thankful for my amazing kids!!!!Happy Thanksgiving!

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