Monday, September 12, 2011

Sand Paper (pun intended!)

Both of my kids really love playing in the sand. They had a great time at the beach but they also still enjoy their small sandbox we have in our front yard. I wanted to get some fresh sand for it so we headed to Walmart and was pleased to find their Crayola colored sand was on sale! Woot! They only had blue so that's what we got. ;O) It only took three 20 pound bags to fill my small, ladybug shaped sand box, just FYI.

We've already played in the sandbox a couple times this week, but Molly (4) and I had a chance to play without Ben (1) and I took the opportunity to work on some letters for our theme. I flattened out the sand to make a canvas and we wrote with our fingers and some sticks. Drawing letters in the sand was so simple, but it was a fun way to create a lesson for my daughter. She was even able to write a perfect 'S' in the sand which has been a troublesome letter for her before.

Just because this blog is a little short and lacking a photo, I'll mention another game we like to play in the sand. Molly loves to play hide and seek with little plastic animals in the sand. Her personal favorite is a dinosaur, which just lives in the sandbox, while all the other sand toys get put away each time in the garage. We simply take turns burying the toys and then searching for them. To play this game with a toddler like Ben, be sure to leave part of the toy showing through the sand.

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