Monday, August 8, 2011

Read 'Em, Cowgirl!

Since the last time I updated my blog, I've started a new theme for our MOMS Camp: Horsing Around! It's been much too hot for my plans, though, so we've basically stuck to the NEIGHborhood pool (too much? hehe) and playing indoors in the comfort of air conditioning. Meanwhile, I've been sick twice since my last entry AND lost the air conditioning in my van, AND traveled out of town twice to teach color guard. Now I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, so here we go!

I've tried a few projects for Miss Molly (4) the past week but she wasn't in the mood so we ended up doing unrelated projects like more melty beads and making slushies. We have, however, read some really great cowgirl books! Here are a few of our favorites:

Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse by Rebecca Janni, (very cute and encourages imagination!)
Sixteen Cows by Lisa Wheeler (love this sweet rhyming story and artwork!)
Horses! by Gail Gibbons (very informative, a great way to learn about different horses)
Are You a Horse? by Andy Rash (fun for Molly (4) to read along with!)

We do have an actual horse art project in the drying process before it can be completed, so I promise another entry about that one soon!

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