Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fun with Kool-Aid

My same friend we played on the slide with gave me the awesome idea to paint with Kool-Aid! Here's what you do: sprinkle a little bit of Kool-Aid on a piece of paper, then use an ice cube to go over it and "paint!" It really does smell delicious, and isn't as messy as you'd expect! As Molly was holding the ice cube, we talked about how cold it was and how it really is frozen water. Ben enjoyed sucking on the flavored cubes. My favorite picture Molly made was a rainbow! Just a note: the purple grape does look kinda black. When she was done painting, I shook off the access dust into the trash and her artwork dried really nice.

Since we had just a little Kool-Aid left in each packet, and of course I didn't want to just toss it out, I saved all the leftovers. Molly has had fun mixing different colors into our pitcher and making her own flavor (and color) creations of Kool-Aid. Pink Lemonade-Grape was a nice pretty light purple, but Lemon-Lime-Orange looks pretty nasty! Haha! Tastes fine, though! ;O)
As we make our drinks, we talked about how you can mix things into water to make it something new: like Kool-Aid, tea, and coffee. Oh, the amazing qualities of H2O.

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