Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Twilight Nature Walk

We made the cutest frames today! I ordered them from Oriental Trading at the beginning of the summer. I had to get a dozen kits, but they definitely won't go to waste because they had so many cute stickers and I'm sure we'll be doing them again with cousins down the road. I had gotten them on sale, and paid $2.49 for the whole kit!

I guess the actual one I ordered isn't available any more, but here's the link to another frame kit that's just as cute:


During a very nice quiet time, we watched two special DVDs I had checked out from the library: The Wild and Scooby Doo: Camp Scare. Mostly The Wild ended up in the background as we played in Molly's little tent which I set up in the living room, but it was still cute. We enjoyed playing in her tent, making a pretend camp fire and telling ghost stories.

Finally, this evening the four of us went for a Twilight Nature Walk at Ernie Miller Nature Center. We stayed mostly on the paved paths because Ben was in his stroller, but Molly and I ventured up one really cool "staircase" made with big railroad ties and tree roots. Mike found a great walking stick for Molly, but it took a while for her to warm up to the idea. It made for some really cute pictures, though! We rushed through a bath when we got home and got everyone in bed on time and what do you know? The kids fell asleep in record time! ;O)

**Funny story of the day: at the grocery store earlier I had to back up a few feet to grab something I'd passed, and decided to do the moon walk to get there. I told Molly there was always time for a little moon walk, and she thought I was talking about the "Twilight" walk we were planning for this evening!

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